Designer Biography

Curious about who is behind Delicious Knits? Read on to find out more...


Alexandra Charlotte Dafoe likes the challenge of trying something new.  With a computer engineering degree in her back pocket, and a full-time job as a high school science teacher, she believes that she has found her real creative passion in designing knitting patterns.

Ever since her mother taught her to knit during high school (read her knitography to find out more), Alexandra has been knitting and designing feverishly.  She absolutely loves everything about knitting – from the elegant needles & soft yarn in delicious colours, to the excitement & satisfaction of creating something new from scratch.  After all these years, she is still fascinated by how two sticks and a ball of string can be turned into so many interesting & wonderful things!

She started writing her own patterns many years ago simply because she could never find a pattern that was exactly what she was looking for.  Her life-changing moment came last year, when she discovered and began sharing her patterns. You can still find her on Ravelry as alliknit.  Although she didn’t think it was possible, she has become even more enamoured (OK, and slightly obsessed) with knitting and designing new patterns. She is hopeful that some of her patterns will help fill a small gap in your knitting collection as well.  

Alexandra lives in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, with her very encouraging husband (who now knows more than he ever wanted to know about knitting!) and clumsy cat.  She is excited to announce that she is expecting her first child in August 2010, and is cautiously optimistic that she might still be able to find time to knit after her son is born.

Thank you for checking out Delicious Knits, and happy knitting!

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